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the world-cultural-heritage

das Weltkulturerbe 2025


alias cosmos.imperialis.eu



Every Day is an Experience!

Every traveller can bring back somewhat of his trip, what has a high value also for others.

However, besides, nobody may forget and every traveller should be reminded of the fact, that every trip goes at the expenses of other ones and at the expenses of the environment! There are absolutely many unforgettable and interesting travel experiences, which are arisen on site by the bicycle or as a pedestrian. By this one comes in contact with the locals and gets to know and understands truthfully the culture of foreign and distant countries.

Everybody can make a note of his impressions and experiences  and may circulate this information, what proves a sense in contrast to the reminiscent photos. Particularly a trip becomes payable, when one lays claim to a healthy circulation of the whole life and can offer therefore future-oriented improvement suggestions!

For it not only a visitors' book is there, but for it there are the embassies worldwide, which must have a competence and an alert eye for every country!

So and not differently looks like the real World Cultural Heritage and exactly for this reason the set of tools was left the whole humanity, what will have at least two sides and with certainty also

will entail dangers!

Die Zeit drängt!



Schön, dass ich Sie auf meiner Website begrüßen darf!

Meine Website besteht aus diversen Schreiben, die an bestimmte Adressaten gesandt wurden, doch oftmals  auch für die Öffentlichkeit gedacht sind.

Einige dieser Briefe sind bereits in die englische Sprache übersetzt worden, denn diese Briefe sind wichtig, richtig und häufig auch heftig im Ausdruck und in der Sache.

Der Anspruch in der Sache und im Auftrag des Herrn ist hoch, sodass die Briefe in alle handelsüblichen Sprachen weltweit übersetzt werden sollten.

Der Leitfaden in der Sache ist in meiner ersten Website zu finden:



Most Welcome!


Nice to welcome you on my Website!


My website exists of various writings which were sent to certain addresses, however are intended often also for the public.

Some of these letters have been already translated in the English language, because these letters are important, right and often also keenly in the expression and in the matter.

The claim in the matter and commission of our Lord is high, so that the letters should be translated into all commercial languages worldwide.

The guide in the matter is to be found in my first Website:



Das Praxisteam.


Es gibt Ausnahmen in unserer Endzeit.


Das sind diesbezüglich drei Personen, die Ihnen hoffentlich bereits bekannt sein sollten; eine Person schreibt Ihnen diese teilweise unangenehmen Briefe, wobei noch wesentlich mehr Schreiben bezüglich des Auftrags in der Sache existieren.


The Team

There are Exceptions in our End Times.

In this regard, these are three persons who should hopefully already be known to you; one person writes you these partly unpleasant letters, whereby there are considerably more letters regarding the order in the matter.